Sunday, September 4, 2016

The adventure begins

The date was set. It was official, she was taking over the family business from her father. Her dad had run the business for more than 50 years and it was time to take a step back and enjoy  a peaceful retirement.
Sally-Ann knows everything that has to do with producing cotton in the USA. After all she grew up at a cotton farm and it seemed that everyone around her all they could do was talk about cotton.
She had 4 months until the official day came up. This meant that she had plenty of time to make the transition as smooth as possible.
She found herself sitting at her family home porch staring at the fields. This was one of her favourite places in the entire world. She was going through all the things she new about cotton, trying to remember everything she had been told since she started to talk and what she had learned while being away in college. After going through all the facts she realised something that made her concerned: she knew everything about cotton production only in the USA and nowhere else in the world.
How can a run a business without knowing how things around the world work?! - she thought.
In that moment, Sally-Ann decided to travel to India and find out everything that is to know about the cotton business there. How they grow cotton there? What varieties they use? The farm systems, the environment , harvesting, storage, inputs & outputs, EVERYTHING! She believes that by understanding how one of her biggest competitors work she will be able to implement knew ideas to her cotton production resulting in better and higher outcomes.
And so, the biggest adventure of her life had just begun...

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